
My First Post


Hello and welcome to my blog!

I am very excited to start my own blog, as this could be a great learning experience for myself but also provide potential help to others. I am also likely to sync my publication to my and Medium (I don’t feel like supporting the paywall anymore.).

This blog will mainly consist of learning notes and thoughts about technologies I am interested in:

  • Python, Django & ASGI frameworks
  • C#, Rust & Go
  • JS/TS, Angular, Vue & NestJS
  • Linux & Fedora
  • Docker & OpenShift
  • VS Code & Vim

Some content already in the pipeline include:

  • Building a project in FastAPI with clean architecture
  • How to effectively test a FastAPI application

I aim to become a well-rounded full-stack architect and hopefully this blog can help along the way.

Again, thanks for stopping by!